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The original was posted on /r/paranormal by /u/ChickenFedders on 2023-09-16 18:35:14.

These experiences are so profound that I’d imagine it isn’t uncommon for people to remember their experiences in very accurate chronological fashion. I can say for certain that if it weren’t for my experiences as a child and teen, that I’d probably be making fun of a lot of posts on this subreddit and saying you are all crazy. I’m glad that isn’t the case, and I’d like to take the time to outline my experiences in hopes that someone else finds similarities in my experiences. It is a fascinating subject, after all.

My very first experience happened when I was about 3-4 years old. I used to live in this cute little house in a very close-knit community/neighborhood up in Massachusetts.

It was a modest house with an upstairs, ground floor, and cellar areas. Immediately upon walking through the front door, the living room was to your right, the kitchen to your left, and a staircase was directly to your front. At the top of the stairs, there were two rooms to the left and right; which were my room on the right, and my parents room to the left. I don’t remember much about my parents room, but mine felt humungous as a child. There were a lot of interesting things about my room, but one of the most interesting things about it was the closet. I was unaware, but there was a door at the top of my closet that went up into an attic-themed sort of bedroom above mine. The closet was very small; a typical one with a lightbulb and a dangle string to turn it on and off, and a rod to hang clothes. Needless to say the door was definitely oddly placed. My parents never used it, which is even more odd in retrospect, but anyway

My first experience , as you can probably guess, happened in my bedroom. I kept some of my toys in my closet, and I had pulled them out. It was a blue rectangular Lego bucket filled with miscellaneous toys and doohickeys; and of course Legos. I had also pulled out some pieces of paper, Play-Doh, and colored pencils. I was going ham with every toy and entertaining item I had. Well, anyway, my dad had been in the habit of drawing cubes at the time, and that had confounded my child brain. I kept thinking

“how in the world is he putting the pencil into the paper to draw the back part of the cube?”.

So just imagine a little booger-nosed child sitting in front of an open closet with all his toys, Legos, and snakes made out of Play-Doh; stabbing a piece of paper with a colored pencil trying to draw the back part of a cube. lol.

I was distracted by a noise in the closet, and upon looking up noticed the little dangle switch for the lightbulb was swaying back and forth. I thought absolutely nothing of it, and continued stabbing my paper. A couple moments later, another noise came from the closet, but this time, the dangle was flailing back and forth like crazy. I thought to myself “Huh. Adult stuff I don’t understand. Whatever.” and continued on. lmao. I apparently was able to ignore that (child me dgaf) without giving it a second thought, and then the noise changed. I looked up again to see the string completely motionless, and it proceeded to PULL DOWN OVER AND OVER AGAIN; TURNING THE LIGHT ON AND OFF. Then the door literally closed by itself.

“Huh. Never seen that before. Must be adult stuff. Whatever.”

What a mad lad I was. This is one of those experiences that give you extra goosebumps because you only realize it in hindsight that “hey, that was not supposed to happen”.

The other experience I had in this room was around the same timeframe, except that it was every night. I am willing to concede that perhaps this was my child mind going wild before bedtime and it could’ve been a… persistent nightly hallucination? Doubtful based on what I remember, but still. My bed was in the far corner of my room from the bedroom door, and next to my bedroom door there was a window. I laid in my bed facing this window every night, and it was what I usually focused on as I fell asleep. The interesting thing that would happen was that a pale blue light would be in my window every night. It wasn’t this brazenly bright tangible light, mind you. I didn’t just have Casper floating in my window. It was more accurately described as… a mist? It was like it was there but also… it wasn’t? Almost like when you’re in the dark and look at something long enough that it starts to change, but it obviously isn’t changing. Hard to articulate. Regardless, when I looked at the light, it became whatever I would think about. I loved the Iron Giant movie, so that is what I consistently imagined. It would be the Iron Giant in the distance, but transparent and bluish; walking toward my house but never getting any closer. I’d watch this until I fell asleep for months. I don’t recollect when it stopped, but it never seemed scary to me. Weird, right?

My parents had their own experiences in the house, so there was definitely something going on. I might go over those as well at some point, but I want to focus on what I saw/heard directly with my own two eyes/ears.

Fast-forward roughly 10 years, and I’m about 13-14 years old. I had moved to Virginia in this time, but I had come back up to Massachusetts to visit my grandmother with my family for a holiday. She lived in an apartment complex, and her apartment was very cozy and decently-sized. I had visited this place many times as a child (because my parents needed a break from me and dropped me off with grandma lmao), and had never experienced anything weird; even in hindsight. Needless to say when they asked me to take the couch in the living room at night, I thought nothing of it and obliged.

There I was, in the pitch black darkness, laying on the couch at 1-2 in the morning in my grandmother’s apartment. I had my Gameboy SP (throwback ayyy) with my Pokémon Emerald game inserted, and for those of you familiar with Pokémon (specifically ruby sapphire and emerald), there is a Pokémon named Zigzagoon with the ability Pickup that allows them to be holding random goodies after a battle sometimes. You could get gold nuggets and rare candies in the beginning of the game in Ruby and Sapphire by using this method to farm them, but they had apparently nerfed this method in Emerald and made the loot level-based. So picture me on the couch slowly figuring this out on my own and becoming increasingly annoyed at Pokémon.

It sorta randomly dawned on me that I was in the pitch black darkness. I wasn’t scared of the dark, but this thought came to me in a way that I can only describe as artificially. I normally wouldn’t have cared, and I was more focused with farming resources in Pokémon. IMMEDIATELY upon having this realization, I could hear something on the ceiling, and it was almost… muffled? It sounded like a man constantly mumbling without pause. I sorta perk up and look up at the ceiling like 'wtf is that?". Bear in mind it sounded like it was in the room with me; not a neighbor above. The sound began to get louder and the words became more discernable. They were my thoughts. Freaked out, I casually got under the covers while assuring myself I wasn’t actually scared.

“I’m just cold and getting comfy.”

Now, when you read that “they were my thoughts”, what I mean is that whatever I thought, this thing would recite it. It was like a mumbled whisper. If I thought the word “dog”, it would start saying “dogdogdogdogdogdogdogdog” and if I thought “butthole”, well, you get the idea. Under the blankets, I turn the volume on my Pokémon game to max and press it against my face and fly my character to the Battle Frontier for the loudest music in the game. It didn’t help. As a matter of fact, the voice descended down slowly from the ceiling while it also became louder. When it got to the point where I definitely couldn’t ignore it anymore, I just listened and grasped how it worked. My teenage mind immediately decided

*“haha I can make it say f**k. I can make it say sh*t. I can make it say a**.”*

So that’s exactly what I did. I made it say the most outrageous sh*t I could think of, and for about 30 seconds that was hilarious.

Then it wasn’t.

It was right next to my head, and pretty much just as loud as a real man whispering next to me. The thing that really began to scare me was how relentless it was with its whispers, and as I got scared, my thoughts began to reflect that. As I said before… it recited my thoughts.


That freaked me out into fight or flight mode, and I chose fight. I flipped my blanket off of my head and launched a punch in the direction of the sound, and it immediately stopped. lmao.

That was pretty much it for that situation, and it is the last time I ever experienced anything of that nature. I’m now 27 years old, so I’m starting to become a skeptic, but I’ll never forget what I’ve experienced. I’m curious to hear all of you guys and your thoughts on these things. Any similar experiences?

  • @[email protected]
    11 year ago

    Another interpretation may be sleep paralysis. The encroaching, the sudden break-off when you finally gain control; they’re certainly characteristic of my experiences.