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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/artwhizinthesnow on 2023-09-16 20:09:44.\_for\_telling\_my\_dad\_that\_hes\_the\_reason\_my/

It’s been a week and I was good news and bad news.

Good news is my gf has a family of angels. I called my gf’s brothers, who I’m very close to, let’s called them Brother A and Brother B, and asked if we could stay with them until we find a more permanent place to stay. They insisted that we stayed free of charge as long as we contributed to the grocery bill and kept the place clean. Brother B is a professional chef, while Brother A is in university for business, and is likely to have their dad’s family business past down to him. They had a spare room for us to sleep in, and Brother B even gave us his bed to sleep in, while he sleeps on an air mattress, because “I don’t get any b*tches.”

Anyways, Brother A and B invited their parents over, because their parents, especially their dad, can’t resist a free meal from their professional chef son. Brother B made a delicious dinner. When we were finished, Brother A and my gf took the dishes into the kitchen to help Brother B clean up, and my gf said before she left, “Daddy, he has something important to talk to you about.”

I was left alone at the table with her parents and I was tomato red. I mustarded up an apology and explained that I never told my dad any of that stuff and I don’t know how my dad knows about it, and that I would never share to anyone, because that stays between my gf and I. I also emphasized that his daughter is the love of my life and I love her more than anyone and anything in the world, and that I have immense respect for him. He said nothing and just stared at me for a good minute, before shouting at Brother A to bring him some beers. He opened two beer for himself and I, his wife doesn’t drink, and clinked bottles with me. He explained that he forgives me and that he believes me. He added that he thinks my dad is a weirdo, and that they used to go out for drinks or fishing all the time, but now he’s stopped, to avoid hearing about his daughter’s personal life. He put his hand on my shoulder and told me that he trusts that his daughter chose the right man, which made me want to cry.

Bad news is my parents are getting a divorce. When I left, I sat my parents down and explained to them why I was leaving. My mom hugged me and cried, while my dad said and did nothing. My gf and I left right away. Turns out my dad didn’t take it well and my parents starting fighting a lot. Now, my mom is divorcing my dad. I especially feel bad for my mom, because this was her second marriage, and the longer one, and I feel like it might discourage my mom from finding love again.

TL;DR, I fixed my relationship with my gf’s dad, but I unintentionally ruined my parents’ marriage.