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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/Purple_Beach2080 on 2023-09-16 23:51:59.

My (16F) stepsister, Jenna (16F), has a three month old son. My mom watches him all day while she’s at school but Jenna has to stay home pretty much all the time when she’s not at school because my mom won’t watch him more than she has to. I’ve had to take care of him a lot. I am taking very rigorous classes and am involved in a lot of extracurriculars so I have very little free time.

Most days I don’t get home until 6 and then Jenna asks me to watch him for a bit before dinner so I usually don’t get to start doing my homework until after dinner at like eight. I don’t think I’ve gotten more than five hours of sleep on a school night in weeks. When I do have time to sleep, I get woken up every few hours by a crying baby. I’m on track to be valedictorian and my grades are suffering because of Jenna’s kid.

My dad never found the milk so there’s nowhere else I can go. I’m stuck here. I decided I’m done watching her baby so now I just go to the library or a friend’s house after school and don’t come home until 9. On weekends I leave the house as early as possible and come home at night. Jenna said that she needs me to stay at home a little more because she can’t watch a baby without any help all day. I told her that she chose to have that kid and he’s her responsibility.

She said that her mental health is suffering because she can’t go out much since I stopped watching him and I need to help her because we’re sisters. I said that I don’t give a f*ck about her and her baby and if she doesn’t want to watch him then she can get a job to pay for a babysitter. She’s mad at me now and she told my mom. My mom said she can’t make me do anything but she’s disappointed that I’m so selfish and she can’t believe that she raised an uncaring brat like me. AITA?

EDIT: The baby’s dad’s parents pay child support but they don’t want to be in his life. The dad goes to another school so they have pretty much zero contact. We live in California so abortion is easy to access but Jenna chose not to abort even though her parents encouraged her to.