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The original was posted on /r/japanlife by /u/steford on 2023-09-16 06:09:38.
I’m about to pay and sign the final paperwork on a house purchase in a neighbouring city next week. We are currently living in rental accommodation and intend to move permanently as soon as the new house has had some work done on it - maybe in 2 or 3 months’ time. Our estate agent is going nuts making sure everything is ready (I don’t think she’s every had a foreign cash buyer before) and has got my wife (Japanese) confused over the timing of the address change. She seems to think we should change our address before we sign the contract which to me sounds ridiculous. She thinks that when buying the house it may be considered a “2nd/investment property” and invite a higher tax charge. In my head we should just go in, buy our 1st and only property which we intend to live in, do the reform work and then move at a later date going to the kuyakusho and doing all the paperwork there and at our new city at the time. I know this is Japan and it’s bound to be over-complicated but am I mad? Or is she?