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The original was posted on /r/japanlife by /u/Noobmortal on 2023-09-17 04:41:18.

I just moved 2 months ago from Indonesia to work in Japan as caretaker. 99% of Japanese I met, whether at work or outside work, are very nice and understanding. My supervisors are patient but can be firm when I made mistakes (which is very logical).

But there’s this one old woman (also a caretaker) that is very emotionally unstable, manipulative, rude, and really loves to exaggerate mistake and complain, even shouted at me in front of clients.

She could change from very nice and very rude in seconds. With clients she is mostly being friendly (in manic ways) but there’s one time I saw directly when she shouted to one of the client when playing time because one of them couldn’t follow the instructions.

With supervisors or other Japanese, she will be very polite and bowing herself so often.

With me, when it’s only just the 2 of us (emphasising on that), she often shouts when I mad mistakes. I know I’m still far from good and tend to forget things. But even my supervisors or Senpai can remind me humanely. She’s just a caretaker and acting like the owner (btw the real owner is even nicer than my direct supervisor).

She’s manipulative in a way that sometimes she will do my job so early and when I wanted to do it, she will say, “that’s ok. I’ll do it.”

But then when other colleagues come, she will complain about me not doing anything. And weirdly everytime we meet in the same shift, she would say that I did some mistakes that I felt I didn’t do. Well she can easily “make” that mistake without anyone knowing and I couldn’t prove it either.

And after she corrected me she will keep blabbering to herself (before telling others) about how bad my performance is.

She would complain how I couldn’t understand her Japanese language as well as if I have to be fluent in 2 months in Japan. My agent and employer know exactly how my Japanese was and they accepted me so it’s not her right to complain about my Japanese.

I’m afraid If I keep being with her in the same shift, I would someday talk back to her in also a rude manner. I don’t wanna be like her.

My Indonesian colleagues also said that others also don’t like her but nothing was done because they probably lack of staffs

I don’t wanna say anything to my supervisors because I’m afraid they will defend her as fellow Japanese.

If she keeps doing it, maybe I will gather some evidence and report it to my country embassy…

There. Thanks for reading.
