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The original was posted on /r/japanlife by /u/Glittering_Example83 on 2023-09-17 02:36:15.

Hi All,

We are in a mansion, it advertises NTT west Flets.

We went with softbank but could only hit around 80mbps.

It seems we are limited as i think we are having to use the phone line socket so they gave us an NTT box to plug into that and the the ISP router to plug into the NTT box.

NTT came out and said they cannot run a line to the cabinet to get us something faster, which is frustrating since the main box is located on the same floor as us and is literally one and a half doors to the side of us. Seems to me like they just CBA.

So is this the bottom line for us, we are stuck using this setup and being limited to max 100mbps or is there another solution?

We asked someone who is using JCOM in this building to see what their speeds are as the connection for JCOM goes through a different line but they were only getting around 34MBPS on a speed test so we have kinda scrapped that idea for now.

Appreciate any assistance.

Thank you.