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The original was posted on /r/japanlife by /u/NightmareStatus on 2023-09-17 10:17:44.
Howdy all. I’m making my favorite pilgrimage here later this evening to Sekai no Yamachan and I thought if I love this place(wings are the best!), surely you all have some places you enjoy as well. So! Let me at em. What are your faves? They can be chains such as the one I mentioned, or one offs. I travel over an hour just for Yamachans, I flew to Osaka for a weekend food whirlwind. I’m curious to hear what are yours. If you’re crazy enough to think somewhere has better wings than the above, I HAVE to hear about it. Thanks all. Location isn’t super important, but if I’m gonna check it out anytime soon, Kanagawa preferred. But I’ll add them to my list.
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