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The original was posted on /r/japanlife by /u/PrestigiousProduct57 on 2023-09-17 11:26:13.
I know reddit is not the best place to look for career advice but I really don’t have any other platform or friends who can give me some inputs on this matter.
Little background I’m a 24F, graduated with a bachelor degree in social science from a Japanese uni (English track), got N2, now working as a sales support at a Japanese Manufacturing company. A Part of my work involve arranging international shipment (export) to foreign customer and sourcing parts and resell it to foreign customer (small part of import).
I have been in this position and gain experience for 1 year now. So I am thinking of skilling up in order to look for better opportunity and become more specialized in international trade.
Currently I am prepping for Boueki Jitsumu C level exam. As well as picking up Chinese. I was hopping with these certificate I can land better opportunity and move up in my career.
However belows are the things I am still unclear and in need of advice.
What exactly is the next step in this career path? What are the opportunities and responsibilities that are available if I keep staying and work hard on this path?
Other than Japanese trade certificates, are there any international certificate I can study to gain a better edge and help landing better jobs? Example in big logistic firm or becoming an account manager for foreign clients account.
Is there a path to study master related to international trade? Or there is no specific degree and it would be better to consider an MBA?
Thanks in advance and I hope this post will be approved.