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The original was posted on /r/askculinary by /u/mo_exe on 2023-09-17 13:04:52.
For reference, I usually use thinner steaks, which I salt a couple of hours before cooking. I get a quick sear in my cast iron pan on very high heat using rapeseed oil, then I butter-baste on low heat.
I find that when I use the usual amount of oil (a couple of tablespoons), I tend to get grey spots on my steaks. I have tried my hardest to apply preassure while searing, but using more oil seems a lot easier and yields a better crust in my experience.
If there is something “wrong” with shallow frying, what could I do to improve my searing method? Should I invest in some kitchen weights? Or salt the steak longer in advance? Could my pan be the issue (it was very cheap)?
Any help is appreciated :)