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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/Humble_Buy1144 on 2023-09-17 20:06:03.

My sister thinks I’m the AH here but I’m not sure. I (31m) went on a third date today with a girl(30f) I met online. I really like this girl. We went to a pub for a drink after the activity we had planned was cancelled. We had a few (non alcoholic) drinks and ended up having a conversation about food. She said the conversation was making her hungry and I agreed. We chatted for about another 30 minutes during which she mentioned maybe two more times that she was hungry. I suggested ending the date and she agreed.

We had agreed to a simple date as her car had had unexpected problems that meant she had very little money until payday so I assumed she didn’t want to pay to eat out.

When i got home my sister was surprised I was back so soon as she knew I liked the girl so I explained. She then basically called me an idiot and said I should have paid for us both to eat as the girl would probably have paid next time. She is probably right as so far we have split everything equally and in one of our conversations the girl had told me she found one guy she dated awkward as he insisted paying for everything and she didn’t like that. I could have offered to extend the date and buy us both dinner but I didn’t really think of it. My sister says I’ve outed myself to my date as a selfish AH who is tight with money and now I’m worried that’s how I’ve come across.