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The original was posted on /r/askculinary by /u/TheJazzProphet on 2023-09-18 00:14:32.

I’ve made masa dough a couple times from corn that I nixtamalized and ground in a Wonder Junior mill. It’s come out pretty good, but it was a bit finicky to feed the wet grain through the mill.

However, while I was grinding it, I dropped a kernel on the floor and found it later, after it had completely dried out. This gave me the idea that I could potentially dry my nixtamal and grind it into masa harina instead of masa dough, which I could then just bag and have ready for making tortillas and other masa products. I’m planning on motorizing my mill, and I would like to be able to process a whole batch of five or ten pounds or so of grain in one go, for the sake of convenience.

What do you think? Does anyone know if this is similar to the way commercial masa harina like Maseca is made? I have a dehydrator I could use to dry the nixtamal before grinding.