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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/Emergency-Towel-7731 on 2023-09-18 18:49:24.

I was travelling with my baby on a 10 hour flight last week. It was her first time on such a long flight and she did very well. I bought along things that would make it easier for her and me to experience the flight.

When we boarded the plane - we were one of the last ones but did not cause delay - I heard some one say something about being annoyed by the presence of a baby but I paid them no mind and focused on getting us comfortable. At take off, I feed her to try prevent ears popping and its largely successful but she does cry for a few minutes - literally - but I just stuck my nipple in her mouth again and it pacified her. She falls asleep for 90 minutes. When she’s awake - she’s doing some baby babble and largely keeping herself entertained. I also play with her which invokes loud laughter for about 5 - 10 minutes before we quieten down.

Food is served, people eat and lights are dimmed for sleep. She lies awake in her little basket babbling to herself until we his some violent turbulence which causes a couple of screams in the cabin, scaring my baby. I think it’s all a bit much for her and she just cries. I think she spends the better part of 15 minutes crying and there’s not a lot I can do to calm her while the turbulence periodically continues. I do my best to soothe but she just tires herself out and slept for some hours. After I was sure she was down, I stood to stretch and walk up and down the aisle when a passenger makes a snarky comment about how relieving it is to be free off the wails of my ‘crotch gobblin’, but how some of us don’t deserve to suffer because not all of us signed up for ‘this shit’. I said ‘excuse me?’, hoping she’d withdraw but she went on about how annoying my baby is, how selfish I am for choosing a busy flight, punishing people who paid more (we were in premium economy, hardly first class but ok) and disturbing other passengers and not having the decency to prepare them all a care package for the inconvenience of having to ’ tolerate my brat and I’.

This is where I may be the TA. I called her a vapid c**t. I told her my baby is a human being and she has as much right to occupy a public space as anybody else. I told her I don’t have to bribe them with care packages when I bought my seat on this plane like everyone else. I said she’s been on her best behaviour and if the turbulence is enough to scare adults, how the fuck does she expect my baby to deal with it? I was speaking louder than I realised - though not yelling b/c my baby - and the air hostess came and asked for us to remain civil. I apologised, turned away and carried on with my business before returning to my seat. When I returned to my seat, someone nearby said I was very rude for calling the lady names and I could have given people ear plugs and little treats as a gesture of good will. I told her not to piss me off; if she wanted to control the environment completely, she should have chartered a private jet.

I just hate this trend where it’s increasingly okay to be hostile to children for doing what children do. AITA?

Edit for mistakes.

  • @[email protected]
    11 year ago


    The assholes were the grown adults who still haven’t cultivated the ability to control their alarm. Obviously a baby who hears adults screaming is going to cry in response.

    Also you were right she was a vapid C.