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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/Embarrassed-Act3763 on 2023-09-18 22:31:02.

My brother has 2 kids Henry 17 and Aria 16. Henry is his wife’s child and Aria is his affair partner’s child.

While he is a good dad to Henry he is a terrible dad to Aria. He is the every other weekend dad who does the bare minimum. Unfortunately Aria has a terrible mom too so she spends most of her time at my home. I love expriencing new things like new food, new activities, going to new cities… and Aria has started to enjoy these too so a few times a week we like to try something new. She also has an instagram page that she posts everything she does.

A few days ago my brother called me and said that Henry is upset that I never include him and asked if I could take Henry with me as well sometimes. That’s when I lost it. I asked him if he seriously expects me to parent his son too while I basically had to adopt his daughter. I told him that frankly I don’t care that Henry is feeling left out and I’m not going to include him in activities I do with my daughter.

He called me an asshole both for excluding Henry and refering to Aria as my daughter

Edit: why is everyone acting like I’m completely ignoring Henry? I spend time with him, I go to some of his important basketball games, I call him whenever I have time and I buy him nice gifts for birthdays and christmas. Last month was his birthday and I bought him an expensive pair of headphones. Do y’all do more than this for your nephews?