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The original was posted on /r/askculinary by /u/Imaginary_Painter_66 on 2023-09-19 21:16:59.

Recently bought a beautiful 90€ De buyer carbon steel Mineral B Pro pan, and I’m new to this kind of pan. I’m actually fairly a beginner in the kitchen but I really try to invest in it.

Today my boss gave me a steak, (because I told him I never ate a proper steak) and I cooked it. It turned out beautiful but I tried to make a pan sauce with it , with the fond of the sear.

I put shallot in it, cooked it, then I add white whine vinegar, and fond de volaille. And it turned really bad. All the seasoning from the pan came out, this is the first time I tried to do a sauce pan, I actually don’t even know if I’m supposed to use white wine vinegar ahah.

But anyway does it work to do a sauce pan on a carbon steel ? Is it because ur supposed to use white wine, and not white wine vinegar.

Light me up on this.

(Side note while cooking the steak, there’s is a huge black spot that came to the pan. It doesn’t look like seasoning like I had before. Wich worries me that I burned my pan …)

Thanks guys