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The original was posted on /r/browsers by /u/Revolutionary_Ad_238 on 2023-09-19 17:14:33.

It seems just like Hollywood movies where everything happens in US only, firefox is launching all new features for US only , the new entrant is the shopping feature (fakespot) which is available for US users only and the developer has also confirmed in the bug, besides this other features like address autofill, mozilla vpn, credit card autofill , pocket stories( useless still) etc are not available in india and many other countries…in public they claim many things but at the end of the day their target audience is US users only! Highly disappointed with this mindset and I am thinking to switch to another browsers…despite many bugs and missing important features, I was loyal to firefox but today it broke my heart😐

See this bug and the comments

I request other Indians and other non-us users to rethink!