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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/squibiloma on 2023-09-20 18:18:06.

My (25M) grandpa (67M) called me yesterday and “accidentally” spilled the beans that he knocked up his gf/fwb/whatever. Today he called asking for $500 so he could pay for her surgery because apparently the pregnancy is ectopic.

I refused, I told him I didn’t have $500 (I have $500, but not for that) and to talk to my dad (his son, me and my dad haven’t spoken almost a year after I came out to him although my grandpa doesn’t know this) instead. He asked me not to breathe a word to anyone, especially my dad, especially because they’re in a fight at the moment (as always).

As a bit of a context, my grandpa is a gambling addict and has asked for money before when I was much younger, my grandparents have been divorced for a long time, and while I believe he knocked his gf up I think he’s just looking for abortion money and doesn’t want to deal with the fallout if he were to tell his kids about it (which would be quite major). I do feel bad that his gf is going through this, but I also wonder what hopeless tragedy young enough to get pregnant decided to put out for him. AITA?