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The original was posted on /r/hayastan by /u/gunit_reddit on 2023-09-21 04:41:18.

I dont want to get into the nikole davajan topic(which I believe he is), say he is not davajan and say he is capable(which he is not), this is the outcome of distancing ourselves from Russia, last night attack was orchestrated by Russia and also most likely 2y ago war was green lighted by them, what did pashinians western partners do aside from sending thoughts and prayers and strong condemnation ?! They didn’t even bother to send a few rifles, so apparently, they don’t even care whether we stay/leave the Russian sphere so why would we still want to suck their dongs ?! Nikolagans will be like, Armenian proper is a different story , stfu and go to Sev lij if it’s a different story, long story short, if we continue this journey, the pain will be more intense, specially with someone like Nikole, who can be beaten by a fish in terms of IQ.