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The original was posted on /r/fossdroid by /u/ComfortableTurnip774 on 2023-09-20 14:14:47.
Hi, to optimize Battery life, I’ve kept to test :
- Greenify (closed source)
- Hail
- Freeze You
- SuperFreezZ
Latter three are opensource.
My fav being SuperFreezZ, because it’s simple and UI looks like firewall ones.
(I’ve discardeed Freeze You from my own ranking,
just because it also provides some tasker capability (good addition) and/but :
! its docs are half english half chinese,!<
- event triggers are limited :
- on screen on, on screen off,
- when open applications, when leave applications,
- when freeze applications, when unfreeze applications
- … not “when last bluetooth device disconnected” for instance…
- docs ( ) doesn’t tell what to put in “additional parameters”
- task is preset on okuf by default, which doesn’t make any sense to me given the docs)
However :
- I don’t know whether SuperFreezZ is the best in term of performance, we should test it against competition
- Others provide additional capabilities, example : app hiding in launcher and app list (Hail)
- and a more automatized blacklist/whitelist app selection. Example : “whitelist all apps that make use of persistent notifications”, etc. Whereas on SuperFreezZ, one has to manually whitelist the firewall/DNS filter, and status icon indicators, to never go to sleep.
- Would also be good to compare with stock/barebone android battery optimization policy. For instance, on android12, samsung UI, a phone has : settings > device care > battery > background usage limits > “Put unused apps to sleep” toggler.
- Most importantly, I couldn’t make battery performance tests myself, as I only have one daily driver phone, and my days are too random to compare one day of battery use with another :(
- if someone here happens to frequently receive phones to review and play with, it would help us, thanks ! :)
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