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The original was posted on /r/microsoft by /u/z0qhdxb8a on 2023-09-21 13:28:30.

Currently, WNS works only for Windows UWP apps installed from Windows Store.

In WWDC 2023, Apple added Web Push with notifications working like native apps, once the web app has been added to the dock. This will be released soon in macOS Sonoma.

Many small development teams have limited bandwidth to create performant apps that works on multiple platforms.

Adding WNS on Edge for Windows ensures:

  1. Customers will not miss out on transactional notifications even after the browser window is inactive, or process terminated, improving their user experience significantly
  2. Teams can develop their apps more efficiently by just using Web Push instead of creating Windows UWP apps simply to access WNS
  3. Customers can also use Web Apps without the battery drain of background browser processes

I am certain many small development teams would benefit from this addition, and hope this could be expedited.

Thank you.