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The original was posted on /r/maliciouscompliance by /u/Tamabest on 2023-07-04 13:38:18+00:00.

I worked for a small company for the last 2 years as a Software Developer. And with small I mean, that I was the only employee, so for many projects my boss had, I wrote the main part of the code base. In march, I made a mistake in one of the Updates and from then on, my boss made it a habit, to yell at me at least once every day and tell me, how stupid I am. Additionaly, he started to call me outside of my working hours, to demand fixes for problems, that at the Most part were his own mistakes (to be fair, my code quality started to go downhill, after I had several mental breakdowns thanks to behaviour). At the start of May, he said to me, that he doesnt want to fire me, but would recommend, that I find another job in the next month. So I applied to several companies and was waiting for the responses, when he decided, to terminate me nonetheless 2 weeks later. He wrote a termination letter and sent it to my home address, but didnt say a word to me. So I was quite shocked, when I recieved the letter, which stated that I was fired, starting July the first and that I should take my remaining 20 vacation days (which is the rest of my annual leave) in June. But in germany (where I work), the employer is only obliged, to give you the rest of your annual leave, if you worked MORE than 6 months in the company for this year. Additionaly, an important project, which I had been working on since february was due in mid-June and not even close to finished, because my boss had prioritized tickets from other projects. So, I wrote my boss, that I would like to take the vacation days immediately, as written in the termination, but if he needed help for finishing the current project, I would be willing to have the remaining vacation days be paid out to me. As soon as I sent the message, I saw in the chat program, that he was typing. He answered, that the number of vacation days in the letter of termination was a „minor spelling mistake“ and that I only had 6 days left. After a quick chat with an attorney (friend of my parents), who started laughing, when I told him of my bosses reaction, I wrote my boss a formal mail, in which I informed him, that I would definitely take the vacation days, as stated in the letter and because the termination also stated, that the remaining vacation time will not be paid out, I will withdraw the regarding offer. The next week, he grudgingly accepted the 20 vacation days and I will never forget the expression of defeat in his face at the last day, when he realised, that the project he took a loan for was about to phenomally fail, because I was the only one working on it and he didnt even try to understand how it works (his Slogan always was: As Long as it works, I dont care).