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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/dadcustody on 2023-09-22 06:01:41.

My sister (15) and I (20) were both adopted. I was adopted when I was 1 and she was adopted when she was 6.

My sister had special needs and the special ed program in our school district apparently had a bad reputation so they homeschooled her. Then when she was 8 my mom decided she couldn’t homeschool her anymore but refused to put her in the special ed program so they started looking for private schools. The only one that would take her was around an hour and a half away each direction. She pretty much disappeared after that.

She used to wake us up at 7, say good morning/bye to me and my younger siblings and leave with my sister. She couldn’t pick me and my siblings up from school anymore so we had to get a babysitter to pick us up and stay with us. She also stopped volunteering in our classes and driving on field trips because she got a part time job next to my sisters school to pay for her tuition (our dad wouldn’t pay her tuition because he said the public school was fine). She would come home at like 5-6:30 depending on traffic, made dinner, had to get my siblings in bed, then I had to go to bed.

She and my dad started fighting around the time my sister started going to that school and they both ended up cheating. They got divorced 5 years ago and I ended up staying with my dad full time. My sister lives with our mom full time and our other siblings are with our mom most of the time but spend every other weekend and most school breaks with me and my dad. I don’t really talk to my mom much anymore.

Last time I talked to her she was saying she hasn’t seen me in forever and why don’t I answer when she calls or stay with her. I always tell her I’m busy when she asks but last time she asked I told her I’m with my dad because she made everything about my sister when she adopted her.

My mom insisted that she tried her best and I told her it still wasn’t good enough.

I could tell she started crying but she didn’t say anything so I hung up. My sister has been texting me saying I’ve always been rude to our mom and she’s trying to have a relationship with me but I’m still mad she had to think of someone other than me.

AITA for telling my mom Im with my dad because she made everything about my sister