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The original was posted on /r/transeducate by /u/SWELL_lab on 2023-08-06 01:24:47.

Hi everyone!

We’re the Sexuality and Well-being (SWell) Lab at the University of British Columbia. We are a group of psychological scientists who conduct multi-method research to identify risk and protective factors contributing to sexual health and well-being of individuals and couples.

We’re currently recruiting people to participate in a ~30 min online survey in understanding people’s sexual pleasure! We hope that others will benefit from what we learn about sexual pleasure from this study!

All participants and identities will be kept strictly confidential, and data collection is anonymous. Data will be identified only by a random survey identification number.

To participate, click the following link to begin the survey:

The Principal Investigator of this study is Dr Samantha J. Dawson. For more information, check out our website:

Ethics ID: H22-02733

Note: Endorsement of this ad or post will publicly link you with the study. This post has been approved by moderators.