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The original was posted on /r/ask_detransition by /u/yachiiX on 2023-09-21 12:59:24.

Hello everyone ! Just to say before, English is not my first langage so sorry if y’all find any mistake! Also, if I say any term offensive or whatever please TELL me ! I wanna be as respectfull as I can with this topic so I hope I won’t offend anyone with the way I’m explaining ❤️

So, for some context, I am in my third year of university in educational sciences. I have this class called “contemporary questions” and my teacher is, how to say it, above problematic. I have this class with her since 3 years and I can tell you am fighting this witch since then, even got a meeting with the presidence of the uni to speak about her behaviours but yes she’s still there and this semester we will work on transidentity. The class is awkward because of all the bullshit she says.

She informed us that the grade will be about detransitionning. We have to find someone in this situation and make an interview to understand why the person wanna get back to their biological gender (for a period or for ever). I can tell you we all fell uncomfortable with it, because of how disrespectful and intimiste the subject is, I’ve tell her but she doesn’t care.

The fact that we have to find someone while testifying about their journey on social media and be like “hey, can I interview you ? Why u doing that” seems out of line to me. But since this is a subbredit for these kind of questions I thought it might be the right place to ask. And also in the first place I don’t even know where to find people who can testify since the % of trans people is already so minim compared to cis people.

So, I am here to ask y’all since you’re the first concerned about the topic, what you think about that. If you have any advice on how approach people in this situation without making them uncomfortable and be the most respectful as possible ! Even if one of y’all wanna be in this interview it would be so great and we can discuss on private. We don’t have yet the questions we need to ask, and I’m kinda scare of it ngl.

Thanks everyone for reading, wish y’all a nice day and I hope I brought this topic in a good shape ❤️