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The original was posted on /r/hayastan by /u/UninspiredRedditorr on 2023-09-23 00:28:38.

Journalist Ashot Safaryan reports that the killing of Russian peacekeepers was a deliberate move on the part of Turkish-Azerbaijani killers. The Russians recorded the massacre of Armenians and were killed by the Azerbaijanis to cover up this crime:

"And now I will tell you how and why those five Russian peacekeepers really died. I hope someday, but we will find out every single one of their names.

Weren’t you surprised, all those who are at least a little familiar with the style of work of the leadership of Azerbaijan, generally familiar with their national character and mentality, that they just like that, almost instantly, admitted and took the blame for this murder? But they did not, as usual, promise a thorough investigation and trial that would have lasted for months.

Or even simpler, why didn’t they blame everything on the Armenians at once, saying that the remnants of their defeated army were wandering there, and that’s how they take revenge on the Russians for their defeat. Approximately how the honorary caviar eater Markov and the other well-fed pack began to write at lightning speed.

Why didn’t they do this? Because they couldn’t. They simply couldn’t. Because the Russian side presented them with irrefutable evidence.

What I wrote this morning was not entirely and not the whole truth, which I did not yet know. The peacekeepers’ vehicle did not fall into any ambush. It is important to remember one thing here. This execution happened much later after the ceasefire was announced. Two crews of peacekeepers, and there were two crews, this is how they usually and always move, at a considerable distance from each other, drove into an Artsakh village and found a terrifying picture.

There was a real pogrom with murders going on there. They slaughtered old people, children, and raped women. Peacekeepers tried to intervene and stop yet another cannibalism of our neighbors. One of the killers managed to contact their command and report that the Russians caught them doing this and became dangerous witnesses. And from there came a short command. Get rid of everyone.

They were shot, driven in a car far from the village, and there they imitated everything that followed, shooting them at point-blank range; any ballistician and expert will prove this, and the car itself. And if something happens, in the most extreme case: there was a mistake, it was dark, they were mistaken for Armenians, well, sorry.

The crew of the second peacekeeper vehicle saw all this and, more importantly, even managed to film it. This is why and this is where Aliyev’s prompt call came from and immediately apologized to Putin. That’s all.

Now the most bitter thing is that you need to know and understand now. We will never see people alive from Artsakh villages who will remain missing. And we won’t find their bodies either. The Azerbaijanis will no longer leave horrific traces of their monstrous crimes, as was the case in the first Artsakh war: in Maragha, in Khramort, with bodies dismembered by a sickle. They bury them carefully. According to the instructions. Aliyev is not going to give such a gift to anyone.

In custody. I would now like to touch upon the afterlife silence that was and continues to be accompanied by the murder of these guys by the Russian collective Simonyan-Soloviev, who has been so famously trampling on us all these last days, but I will not do this. First of all, what’s the point, then it’s disgusting.

Secondly and most importantly. In the name of the memory of these guys. Thank you guys. Ashot Safaryan"