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The original was posted on /r/ask_detransition by /u/No_Berry9371 on 2023-09-22 17:52:13.

I didn’t want to post this in r/detrans because I’m not detrans myself, but I’m really moved to get this out there:

I’m a masculine presenting woman and a lesbian. I never had the option of transition floated to me when I was a teenager. If I had, I think there’s a good chance I might have taken it. I’m 34 and grew up in a conservative state, so it never came up.

When I read detrans stories, I can see clearly that a lot of people who’ve transitioned FtMtF are just like me.

When I was in my twenties I moved to a liberal city and made queer friends. Some of the older nb/trans people I knew would call me they/them and he/him, and when I corrected them they’d laugh and say to just give it time.

But I’d already come to peace with being a masculine woman. It actually felt disrespectful to me that they assumed I wouldn’t be able to live with myself the way I am.

If you’re detrans or questioning, just know that I stand in solidarity with you. We are the same, in so many ways. And I welcome you back into the fold of being a masculine or gender noncomforming woman. You are welcome here, and you are seen and loved.

We are beautiful and should be proud of who we are. We should be given the space to become ALL of who we are.

You have my love and support. ❤️

P.S. If a detrans person wants to share this in r/detrans for me, I’d like that. I just want people to feel my love.