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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/Independent-Mud-3575 on 2023-09-23 06:14:48.

I (25F) am moving across the country and had planned to live an aquantice of mine (24F).

From the beginning, I said that I would only be able to help online but I would help with searching, reaching out and scheduling. We had been searching for a while with her going into see the apartments in person.

Long story short, we get approved for an apartment but they want her father to sign on as a guarantor because she doesn’t have long enough renters history. He’s apprehensive to sign on bc he doesn’t know me. I totally understand and say I can talk to him to ease his mind.

She then says that he’s worried that I’m going to die and leave them stuck with the lease and that he would do it if I paid him 100/month as a safety measure.

Said no I wasn’t comfortable doing that and explained why. She got us on a three way call where she started crying because she was so stressed. I said I needed time to think about this and that upset her because the “apartment could go at any minute” she kind of throws me under the bus about the labor she’s done searching and she doesn’t want to do it anymore.

I got off the phone and called different people for advice. All said “get out now”. I sent her a text saying “thank you for all you’ve done but I don’t think we should search for apartments together. I hope we can be friends and best of luck”. She calls me, yelling, saying how I’m screwing her life, I explained that hey I felt really backed into a corner this morning and I wasn’t okay with that and she was like “why don’t you get this, it’s just the way it is” and it got to a point where nothing I was saying was getting through to her and she said she didn’t think we could be friends after this and to never contact her again. Which, I’m fine with, after this.

Then her dad follows up later and says this: "I’m glad I tested your character before I did something stupid and signed a document that you would’ve backed out of at the first toothbrush left out. Talk about immature. My daughter is right you’re a snowflake piece of shit who couldn’t handle a basic business transaction to protect me from people like you. Your parents would be disappointed in your behavior. Good luck hope you don’t make it. Bully that you little shit.

Dad of daughter with real Character😏 "

This whole thing is a bit crazy to me. But aita??