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The original was posted on /r/twoxchromosomes by /u/MuserofMusic on 2023-09-23 13:00:31.
I got a new mountain bike and this was my second time taking it out for a ride. I always use a path that is popular with dog walkers and cyclists, and I chose to go in a direction that I’ve only ever done once before because its a longer ride, and I wanted to get a decent amount of exercise in.
I’m about half an hour in, going a decent pace and feeling like I’m doing pretty well, and along comes a guy on an electric bike. He passes me easily (because he’s using the electric) and then turns back to me and starts going “Go on girl, keep pushing!”. I don’t have a problem with a comment like that in passing, because yeah, I am pushing myself. But I stupidly made a comment back about how it’s OK for him because he’s on an electric bike.
This must have signalled to him that I was engaging in conversation, because he stayed with me for about 10 minutes after that talking to me about electric bikes, the area we live in, where he lives now. I engaged in the conversation because I’m very socially anxious and I didn’t feel as though I had a choice but to go along with what was happening.
I got to a point and said “I think I’m gonna turn around and go back now”. I didn’t feel as though I could tell him to leave me alone even though I was trying to enjoy a bike ride by myself. He was nice enough, he wasn’t being inappropriate or anything, I just would have rather been left alone to ride.
I feel really confused because I don’t know if I’m justified in feeling like this. He was riding to the very end of the path so I knew if I didn’t turn around I’d probably be stuck talking to him for a lot longer. I feel as though he wouldn’t have passed another man and told him to “keep pushing”.
I just wanted to go for a bike ride and not be bothered by anyone.