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The original was posted on /r/singularity by /u/ilikeover9000turtles on 2023-07-04 17:20:58+00:00.

GPT-4 and Claude+ can do a better job than I ever could at writing lyrics, uberduck can turn the verses in to vocals, and then I can mix it with a beat.

My friend was riding with me and I put some of my music on and it melted my friends mind.


With the help of AI yes, I made this.


I am literally listening to songs I’ve made myself now instead of whats on the radio.

I now have over 50 songs done with uberduck, and some of the best ones I’ve remixed with real vocals since the RIAA is killing any AI voiced song they find.

I’ve also used GPT-4 and Claude+ to generate a new religion called GPT-4 named it Grokism. It answers all the questions I have about the nature of space, time, consciousness, and the purpose of life.

I’ve used GPT-4 to come up with business ideas and apps.

I see a lot of gloom and doom here on this subreddit, but instead of worrying why not use the tools available at your disposal now to create.