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The original was posted on /r/luciddreaming by /u/TwixLebon on 2023-09-23 10:04:26.

I’ve been trying to lucid dream for 8 years. I’d mostly given up, thinking that maybe I was too old (I used to spontaneously lucid dream regularly as a child but now I’m 45) but was still following this subreddit. Anyway, another member of this community urged me to give it another go but be more consistent in my approach.

I reread EWOLD and started practicing MILD 32 days ago. WBTB is hard for me as I’m a light sleeper and once I’m awake I’m generally AWAKE. But I stuck at it for a few weeks. Then I switched to SSILD but kept some elements of MILD so was basically doing a combo. I got to the point where I was sometimes noticing things were strange in dreams but still not realising it was a dream. Someone pointed out in a post that to reach the point of even questioning anything in a dream already requires a level of lucidity and most of the time I still wasn’t aware enough.

I believe what really shifted things for me was starting to practice ADA. I’m still not great at it but I make an effort everyday and it’s actually improving my life in other areas too (making me a better listener which in turn makes me a better parent/partner/employee/friend, also making me appreciate life more which makes me happier overall). However, even with the ADA, I still wasn’t getting lucid and even dream characters were getting frustrated with me, sometimes rolling their eyes at my stupidity, lol! Even this didn’t make me lucid!

I started researching supplements and realised I may be deficient in choline (my diet is mostly vegan but I eat meat/fish a couple times a week). I bought some choline and also huperzine A. Yesterday I went to bed at 11pm then woke naturally at 1am to use the bathroom. I took 400mg of huperzine A and 700mg of choline, then went back to sleep.

In my dream, I was in a bar and suddenly the speakers in the bar started picking up what was on my phone. I thought ‘hang on, how is this happening? I don’t even know how to connect to the Bluetooth of these speakers, I’ve never been here before?’ Then, ‘I must be dreaming. Omigod! I’m dreaming!!!’ I shouted out to the whole bar, “I’m dreaming, I’m dreaming!”. Everything shimmered and became brighter and everyone in the bar was laughing and smiling and clapping, celebrating with me. I abandoned the BS dream narrative I had been on, dropped the bags I was carrying and went straight into the prior mission I’d set myself during walking reality to achieve once I got lucid. But half of me was still kinda invested in the BS dream narrative, and even though I knew it was a dream, I ended up getting pulled back into that narrative and waking soon after. But I’m still delighted that I got this far. Now I just need to repeat it and get better.

TL;DR The methods work if you stick at them consistently. I thought it had taken me 6 weeks but I’m shocked to find it’s only been 32 days of consistency that has achieved a result. Also, supplements may help you but obvs check with your doctor first if you’re on any other medication or have health concerns etc.