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The original was posted on /r/azure by /u/Short_Dream_7010 on 2023-09-24 14:35:51.

Hi team, when youhave time maybe you can help me with the below question.

I have six Azure certs, AZ-900,AZ-204,AZ-400,AZ-104 & AZ-305. l would like to get a few more related to security and networking AZ-700, SC-300, SC-100. But l am afraid that it would to much for me to renew them every year. I like getting certified because my company pays for them and l always buy online courses to prepare well before l take the test. This method help me a lot to be productive at work and boots my resume. Please let me know your thoughts and if someone has many Azure Certs, l would appreciate your comments on this as well.