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The original was posted on /r/tifu by /u/-Reverse_Flash on 2023-07-04 19:41:33+00:00.
Well, this post got a helluva lot more attention that I thought it would. I’m more calm now so I’ll check my pronunciation this time since yall were bashing me for that. Alright let me start again but before I go on, no I have not been fired and don’t know if I even will be. With that said I’ll answer some frequently asked questions here as well. I’m a 20m who was hired a year ago to work as an HR assistant in a company I shall not be naming for obvious reasons. I’m mostly assigned to small tasks an assistant would do like sorting files and printing material, give new employees their orientation since I’m bilingual and translate some papers.
On April 2nd, a man got injured at my workplace and last month I was told to clip some videos off of the CCTV and save them somewhere so we can permanently have them since they normally disappear after awhile. I was told to record the process of how we turn off the machine and remove the parts before cleaning it because the victim tried doing so while the machine was on for some reason. In my previous post I stated “His arm got scrambled and he’s fine now” what I meant was he’s recovering now and I do not know what happened, some say it was so bad he had to get his arm amputated, others say it just broke his arm but it healed now. Can’t say for certain, I just know he’s recovering
I lacked a lot of empathy in my original post, pardon for that, I do hope the man gets paid a fortune for what happened to him but moments before writing my original post I got the call from my boss asking if I had the videos, I said I recorded from February to March 26th apparently(I checked now and it was a few days before the accident that I stopped) The whole thing was honestly a lack of communication, I take the full blame for not updating but I guess some can view it differently. I thank the few of you who were on my side despite me not really deserving it as much and those who told me the videos can still be recovered, my boss is still cool with me atm and hasn’t said anything so I assume she found out maybe we still had the video because we have a safety person who more than likely needed it for the insurance company and OSHA.
I made the original post thinking I was about to lose a job that was very chill for me because after working in fast food dealing with annoying customers and long hours, then construction for 2 years in the hot burning sun, It was nice to finally have an AC job in an office and realizing I was about to lose it due to me being imcompetent triggered me and its my own fault I know that so yeah ya don’t gotta remind me. So I said things like “Blah blah blah” “Oh well” because I figured I was just gonna go back to that and was annoyed. As far as I know I’m good for now, I’ll update this post for any future reference so just save it I guess if you care enough to check back.
I’ll reply to comments if theres any other questions
TLDR: Update to my original post since it got a lot of attention, No I actually did not get fired luckily. Explained a little more I could in this post