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The original was posted on /r/askculinary by /u/Cariot on 2023-09-24 08:23:16.

I had a steel pot, the same one I use every time to cook pasta, on the gas stove. I had filled it up about half way with reverse osmosis purified water and set it to Med-high on my large burner with no lid. I walked away for about 3 minutes and noticed there was no simmer or bubbles, so I cranked it to high and sat down for a second. About 30-40s later, I see in my kitchen a HUGE rocket of water shot up, followed by a mushroom cloud of steam over my range vent. The damn pot of water exploded and about a quarter of the water was left. My kitchen is absolutely covered in water, it sprayed everywhere.

I have no idea what the hell happened, but I’m afraid to now boil water?? Have any of you seen this? I can’t understand what happened.