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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/UnlikelySalary409 on 2023-09-24 17:47:49.

My son burps a lot while eating. I have tried telling him multiple times that it is rude. I’ve told him to slow down so he doesn’t swallow air with his food. I’ve told him that it is disgusting.

My wife will instantly jump in to defend him. She will say that’s just the way he is and that it’s not his fault.

The thing is he can control himself when I remind him. He just chooses not to.

He just went on a date with his girlfriend last night and she tore him a new asshole. It was his first time meeting her parents since they live in another city.

They went out to a fancy restaurant and he burped all the way through supper. He came home almost in tears from her chewing him out for behaving like a jackass in front of her family.

I heard him telling my wife about it and I laughed. She asked what was so funny and I reminded them both that I had tried dozens if not hundreds of times to teach him table manners and he rejected them and she protected him. I said that now he is a grown man and he had to learn the hard way.

They both think she overreacted and that I’m the asshole for being amused by his experience.