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The original was posted on /r/luciddreaming by /u/Watchfella on 2023-09-24 17:20:38.

I posted here yesterday about my troubles with WBTB WILD lucid dreaming. I got a lot of helpful advice, but I got a whole new set of problems last night. In no particular order:

1: I kept coughing.

2: I could not, despite my best efforts, get to a point where I was close to dreaming. By this I mean, the closest I got was some basic hypnagogic flashes and a quick falling sensation. It felt impossible to put my body to sleep.

3: it took 3 1/3 hours. I woke up at three and attempted it 3 times. The first attempt ended with a very loud cough, the second with a trip to the bathroom and the third with me just giving the hell up when I found out it had been 3 1/2 hours.

4: I don’t know how to transfer into the dream. At what point will I know I’m ready to dream? And wouldn’t moving myself to do a RC “reset” the attempt, because I would be moving my real body, in the case that I was awake? (I tried resting in a position where my finger was rested on the palm of the other hand, so I could easily do a RC, but it got uncomfortable very quickly).

5: my legs became sore every time, to the point of extreme pain.

Edit: on a positive note, I felt very very relaxed and almost stoned (everything felt weird) when I gave up my first attempt)