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The original was posted on /r/velo by /u/cornflakes34 on 2023-09-25 13:11:02.

Did a 110km loop yesterday with about 850M of elevation with normalized power or 204W, I am 90kg probably sitting around 14% bf.

In my first bottle I had a carb mix of about 90-100G of carbs (Gatorade + carb powder) which I drank over 90mins, I also had a packet of Scratch gummies (40g). Then at the coffee stop I had a pastry (butter tart, a Canadian delicacy).

All in probably in the realm of 180G of carbs for 4 hours. Garmin says the ride burnt 2980kcal’s (I have a Stages power meter).

I had about 2L of liquid over 4 hours and admittedly I also ended up cramping. So at a minimum I know I probably need more liquids + electrolytes as my kit was basically caked in salt at the end of the ride.