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The original was posted on /r/velo by /u/RichieRicch on 2023-09-25 14:49:32.

Hi all, I’m 30M and have been riding for 6ish years. This year was the first year I used TR for a number of months. The previous 5 years was group rides, no intervals, and no Z2. My FTP spiked from 240 to 292, the only structure I had was riding TR with a ride or two outdoors during the week (no structure). Currently weighing at 180 (10lb overweight, just returned from vacation). I have been off the bike for just over two weeks now. I don’t race, only fast group rides on Saturdays with a lot of climbing. Usually 50-80 miles with 5-8K feet.

I do 2-3 organized events a year, usually a Fondo with 10k in elevation.

I travel frequently with work, especially now that the year is winding down. I’ll be gone 2-3 days every week until the first week of December. December & January I have zero travel. Two months to really put some serious time in. I averaged right around 10H/Week for the majority part of the year with a few breaks sprinkled in. February - May is usually 2 nights away during the week, every other week.

I’d like to get more serious with a structured plan but don’t know where to start. What should I be doing for October & November? Then when December & January rolls around, I have all the time in the world to put time in. I want to be faster on the climbs here in SoCal & mainly put the hurt on my group. I plan on getting serious with my diet this fall to lose this vacation fat, hoping to get back down to 165.

I see so much information online and in this sub, I just don’t know exactly where to start. Happy to pick up any books or even look into coaching if that’s what’s suggested. I have a PM and HRM. I felt some gains this year and my group joked that I was on EPO. The happiness I got from dropping everyone was unmatched, how do I keep that going?