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The original was posted on /r/fuckhoa by /u/pliny_the_tired on 2023-09-25 16:44:59.
We live in a townhouse community, which has changed management companies about 3-4 times over the past 5 years. The townhomes themselves are pretty old. According to the HOA, we are responsible for everything INSIDE the home and they are responsible for everything OUTSIDE the home. This includes lawn maintenance, roof repairs/replacement, siding issues, overgrown trees/limbs, gutter cleaning etc etc.
The roofs we have currently should have been replaces about 10 years ago and they are just now getting to it. Most of the units now have mold behind the siding or on the ceiling etc. We had a meeting about the roofs and there are some buildings which are considerably worse, so they are starting with those buildings. Here is the thing. The HOA mishandled the dues and cannot afford to replace the roofs on the 15 units that need to be replaced the most. Their solutions are either to take out a business loan to pay for all the roofs on this section, stretch the project off and replace one roof every 6 months, or charge every household $2,400 upfront.
I think the business loan might be the best option, but they won’t tell us what affect that will have on each household. I think it will most likely increase our dues, but who knows how much.
This situation is 100% the HOA’s fault for not handling our dues correctly, but since the community has changed management companies so many times, they told us they cannot find a paper trail to explain what are dues went to instead.
Our community is about 100 units each pay $240 in dues every month.
Is there any sort of action that we can take?
Fuck an HOA. I can’t wait until we can move.