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The original was posted on /r/tifu by /u/LevitzKarnol on 2023-07-05 00:02:43+00:00.

Obligatory this didn’t happen today, but it did recently.

I (M26) met this girl (F25) more than ten years ago and we developed a great friendship over the years. We would tease eachother all the time and would sometimes act a bit more than friendly, though I dated other people and she dated other people, after all we were simply friends.This all changed in 2018 when we started dating. Things didn’t end up well for a multitude of reasons so we went our separate ways (was a bit of a hard breakup and we didn’t speak for 2 years).

She recontacted me during Covid, about how she missed me and how she wasn’t good, she had some issues and wanted me back in her life. I obliged, in friendship terms. The truth is, I never forgot this girl, I’ve had other relationships but nothing has come close since. I knew it was a mistake bringing her back into my life but I did, though like I said before, as friends. Probably fuckup number 1.

She was always inviting me to go out with her or to meet up at her house, it never actually happened. Though we were back to our old ways, kept flirting playfullly with one another like we used to before we dated. Eventually, I visited her one night 1 year ago. Nothing happened but I held her in my arms and I won’t lie, I felt magnificent at that moment reddit. That’s when I truly realized yeah, I haven’t forgotten this girl at all. Safe to say I tried to kiss her but she rejected me that night. Things got awkward for a bit and I left (by then it was like 5-6 am). She had smoked something while I was there with her that night, though I didn’t partake.

I was kind of devastated but I felt it might have been for the best. Next day she messages me and we get to talking, she asks if I tried to kiss her. I lied and said no, I felt embarassed. Things went on as nothing happened. She kept being sweet with me for a while but things went colder than usual.

Fast forward to late last year and she had actually found someone, they dated for a while and broke it off. We didn’t talk much during this time but after she was single we started talking a bit more. She invited me to meet up with her when she was having a camp by the beachside with some girlfriends but I didn’t go. Major fuckup number 2, looking back.Overall 2023 hasn’t been easy for me and it wasn’t being easy for her and I thought to myself that maybe I should tell her how I’ve felt all these years but she had just gotten off a relationship. Was it the correct time? She was healing and was fragile so I decided to wait. So I did until last month, which is where I truly fucked up.

I decided one day to stop by unannounced, and bought her a pack of sweets as a gift. I had no courage at all to go knock on her door and tell her how I felt so I bought some wine and drank in the car (I know, ridiculously stupid). I picked her up after drinking a bit and we got to talking. I was fine until I wasn’t and I told her everything and I mean e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g. I told her things maybe I shouldn’t have, you know how they say alcohol is liquid courage? Well, it also knocks down certain barriers you set up for yourself, things that are private to you, that you would not otherwise say for your own sake. Well I told her some personal things and cried and she cried and I kept repeating myself, telling her just how much she meant to me after all these years and how I find her to be magnificent in every way. I left and had a horrible night where, looking back it’s super foggy to me, I can’t even remember some specific things.

Well, things went cold for a while, she actually dated someone the same week I told her all this and that hurt me deeply, I was not expecting that at all though they ended it after just a few days. When I found out I unfollowed her socials, there are certain things I didn’t want to see. Well she blocked me, then unblocked me, blocked me again and unblocked me and followed me again, I know seems ridiculous.

I haven’t seen her since that day but we’ve spoken since. I sent her a long, truly deep message she didn’t know how to react to. Right now she’s not mentally fine and well, to be honest neither am I. I believe she appreciated it but said she felt disposable and was no good company to anybody and wanted to be alone, which I understand and respect. Well, a few days go by and I thought I’d be kind and buy her a gift similar to one I bought when we dated all those years ago. I played it perfectly in my mind, how I’d knock on her door gift in hand, flower in the other and we’d get to hug and be together. Well, safe to say that’s not what happened AT ALL lol

I showed up, knocked and nobody answered. I stayed for a bit, knocked again and left. I spent the day at the beach with a friend and when I get home she sends me a voice asking if I knocked on her door today. I said I did, that I had something I wanted to give her and that if alot of days go by without giving it to her it would spoil. Well reddit, she goes ballistics on me. Sends me multiple audio messages saying how I’m being abusive, how her house isn’t some meetup place and that I have no right, how I left her absolutely anxious by doing that and that her whole body hurt as a result. She said a few more things, not kind things. Well, by then I realized yeah, this is over. I apologized, told her she could have piece of mind, it would not happen again and that she would not hear from me again. And I thought that was that.

That was until a girl friend of mine posts a story with a pack of sweets in my car. Well I shared it, she saw it and replied to it, saying something like “well, mine is probably still under the passenger seat (:” (referring to the pack I bought her the day I met with her). I didn’t reply, had no idea what to say or what she was expecting me to say to that.

Two days go by and she texts me at 7 am, saying that NOW I’m ignoring her and how she hopes I never ever stop by her place again. Oh and that I’m a fucking stupid idiot. Been blocked ever since and don’t think we’ll ever speak again and what causes me frustration is that I still care about her lolAs a last gesture, I spoke with a friend of hers to be there for her because I feared for her, that she could hurt herself or worse. And that was it. Haven’t heard from her since.

TL;DR: Met a girl 10+ years ago, we dated a few years later, broke it off and reconnected. Truth is, ever since I dated her I never forgot her no matter with who I was with and this year, multiple fuckups including getting drunk and telling her how I feel probably doomed our whole relationship.