This is an automated archive made by the Lemmit Bot.

The original was posted on /r/velo by /u/car1os on 2023-09-25 14:13:51.

Hello, I have been riding for a little bit less than 3 years. I have done several 100 miles rides and 1 ride 160 miles. But my FTP is low. I’m about 2.5 w/kg. What exercises and training programs do you recommend to improve my FTP? How long does it usually take to see big changes? I’m in my late 40s.


Edit 1: 5 sec power: 951 (I think this is just a glitch) 1 minute: 347 5 minutes: 239 10 minutes: 224 20 minutes: 210 60 minutes: 187

FTP is set at 194 Watts Current Weight: 162 lbs/ 73 kgs

This year I followed mostly what Garmin recommended. I think it helped me to be able to achieve my longest ride.

Starting now with trainer road. My concern is that it doesn’t include any very long rides.