This is an automated archive made by the Lemmit Bot.

The original was posted on /r/fossdroid by /u/epoberezkin on 2023-09-25 19:50:48.

Hello all!

Also in v5.3:

  • group improvements – you can now find groups via directory service (BETA) – open link in the app.
  • simplified incognito mode
  • better app responsiveness, stability and 40% reduced memory usage.
  • new privacy settings: show last messages & save draft.

We’ve also added 6 new interface languages thanks to our users - Arabic, Bulgarian, Finnish, Hebrew, Thai and Ukrainian.

Read more in the post:

Install the apps via downloads page.

Please ask any questions about SimpleX Chat in the comments! Some common questions:

Was SimpleX Chat audited?

Why user IDs are bad for privacy?

How SimpleX delivers messages without user profile IDs?

How SimpleX is different from Session, Matrix, Signal, etc.?