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The original was posted on /r/microsoft by /u/Biliunas on 2023-09-25 16:09:42.


Never thought I’d say this, but I really enjoy the new and improved Bing search. I’ve been using google since it’s inception, and this new Bing really reminds me of the start of search engines - when searching was fast and accurate.

Over time, both duckduckgo (something else I’ve used) and google started giving worse and worse results, to the point where I had to browse to the 3rd or 4th page for my needed results, honestly I was thinking that this was just a problem of the internet getting mature and that we’ll never get that golden age back, but I’ve never been more happy to say that I was wrong.With bing, I consistently get served exactly what I need in the first place, the stuff I used to find deep in other pages.Amazing!

Not to mention the sick Chat-GPT integration, which, besides definitely being the most accurate prediction model in my experience, but also has references in answers for further research! Just Amazing!

I have to give credit where credit is due, and wow, Microsoft nailed it this time! I just hope this isn’t some temporary measure for attracting users!

And I wonder, am i just lucky, or did someone else have the same experience as me?