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The original was posted on /r/sex by /u/Brandonbdc on 2023-07-05 00:56:54+00:00.

My girlfriend (26f) and I (26m) have been together for 3 years. She has a low libido and I have a high one.

I would have sex every day if I could where as my girlfriend and I only do it maybe 3-4 times a month.

Long story short I was putting out laundry away and notice she has a vibrator hidden in the back of a drawer. I confronted her about it (not in a bad way) and she said she only uses it when she’s bored. I thought nothing of it and was like oh yeah I have those moments too.

But fast forward a couple months and I can tell she uses it frequently. So I started to overthink and wonder why does she use it so much but she hardly wants sex?

I’ve not proud of it but I wanted to test my theory if she uses it as much as I thought so I placed it somewhere different in the drawer. Checked later that night, saw it was clearly used and that same night tried to initiate sex and she said no.

I’m confused because she has a low libido and we’ve discussed it how we have different libidos and we make it work but I can’t help but think if she’s horny why not use that sexual energy with me and we have sex?

Or am I looking at this the wrong way? I’m coming to this community to get some perspective. Should I confront her about it and mention my feelings or should I let it go and I’m over thinking? As a high libido guy I also do masturbate but it doesn’t stop me from wanting sex.

Edit: I should mention to I always ask her what things she does and doesn’t like and she cums every time we do have sex.