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The original was posted on /r/fossdroid by /u/psuzn on 2023-09-26 14:49:22.

I just open-sourced my pet project Play Deals. Play Deals lists the paid apps that have some discount in their price or are 100% free on the Google Play Store.

Google removed it because of the ad position violation, finally got it reinstated a few months back and decided to open-source it as the ad revenue was just trash. This is a new version that I rewrote from scratch using Kotlin Multiplatform. It supports Android, iOS and Desktops (Mac, Linux and Windows). There are not many open-source KMP apps. I hope it fills some of the gaps.

Alongside the app, I’ve also open-sourced the backend. It is also rewritten fully in Kotlin and uses Vert.x.

At the moment, it only supports Android apps but long term the plan is to list IOS apps and any other apps on any platform with some discounts.
