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The original was posted on /r/ask_detransition by /u/ttomttom123 on 2023-09-26 17:05:37.

If a child is born with a certain biological sex but later identifies with a different gender, why is it necessary to alter their biology to match their gender identity? If a trans man is inherently a man, independent of his biology, then is altering his body truly necessary for him to be recognised as a man and feel comfortable as a man? And vice versa with women? To me, this all feels like an issue with society and what it assumes a ‘‘man’’ or ‘‘woman’’ should be.

Why should breasts, vaginas, or higher-pitched voices, invalidate someone’s identity as a man? Surely medical transition points more towards conforming to a particular societal expectation? My question is how necessary do you believe this truly is?

In a more accepting world, without these expectations and ‘‘norms’’, could being a trans man or trans women be any different?

I’m just wondering if you have any thoughts on this type of discussion?