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The original was posted on /r/sex by /u/elias3663 on 2023-07-05 05:16:38+00:00.

So I met this girl I really want a relationship with and yesterday we had sex the first time with each other.

So I after giving her head I began thusting for not more then 3 Minutes, she was moaning heavily and then said "I’m done/I can’t go on any longer, asking her if I hurt her or she doesn’t feel right. She then told me that everything was good and I shouldn’t think about it to much.

Of course I did, so I asked her midst cuddling what she ment with “I’m done/I can’t go on any longer” and she said that she cums quickly.

Also she doesn’t want to continue after she came

Now my Question: Is it possible to cum this fast for a woman or is she hiding something from me?

I always had woman having trouble to cum so it’s hard for me to believe.

TLDR; Girl said she cums fast but I don’t believe it

Edit: Clarification