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The original was posted on /r/cycling by /u/hypeboyyo on 2023-09-27 06:59:29.

I got a flat tire with no tools and I was 6 miles away from home. When I walked for about 0.3 miles, someone came from behind and asked if I had a flat tire. When I looked back, there was this guy with one of his daughter on his bike and there were 2 more girls behind also riding a bike. They looked no older than 4 ish.

The guy asked if I needed to pump my flat tire and I said I don’t know if that would help because I didn’t know how serious the puncture was and I also I didn’t want to interrupt his time with his girls.

He said he was on his way back home anyway, so I followed him and his little girls. The house was literally 30ft away from where we were.

This guy was so generous to help out and while he was pumping the wheel, he said he has a truck so if pumping didn’t work, he could just give me a ride. Thankfully, the pumping worked and I was able to ride back home.

I just wanted to share this story because it was very kind of this random guy to help out a random person! He could’ve just went home with his 3 little girls, but no, he was willing to help out a stranger on the road and it helped me get back home before it got too dark. I saw a Ventum bike in his garage, so I’m guessing he’s a passionate cyclist haha