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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/Anon543260 on 2023-09-27 02:53:48.

I (15F) went no contact with my mom after she called the cops to my house. For context, my mother hasn’t had custody of me for almost 5 years and I live with my dad and grandmother. My mom has visitation every other weekend that I’ve been more than happy to fulfill each time. I always make it a point to spend time with her and my two other brothers (8M and 5M).

Early in August, I had to stay with her for a week over the summer. She didn’t even pick me up, she had my uncle come and drive me to her house instead. My mom texted me her schedule, and informed me about how busy she would be. That night she would get out of work at 10:30pm, then every other day work from 3-7pm and promised we’d do something after together. I had a feeling she’d be too tired to do anything with me, but agreed anyways.

That night I got my period and texted her asking where the pain killers were. She texted me back that there were none and the only pads there were too small for either of us to be usable. I told her, and my mom had just said to suck it up.

The next morning mom woke me up at 5 to tell me how to take care of my brothers while she was not there. Including making them specific breakfasts, lunches, and dinners. While telling me to just figure something out for myself. She also told me she’d buy more pads when she had the money for it. My brothers are spoiled by my mom. They hit and kick, without any consequences and are put in front of a screen all day.

I kinda just that day and just decided to babysit them, maybe she’d just had a bad day and tomorrow she would just call another family member to babysit them after seeing how much I hated it. But she did the exact same thing the next day, waking me up at 5am to explain what to cook. My mom also mentioned how, as a treat for me babysitting, she was going to take me shopping for my brothers school supplies. Not for me, or hygiene, but pencils and notebooks for my brothers.

Not even half way through the day and 2 fights with my brothers later, I texted my dad to pick me up and started packing my things. I fed both of the boys before I left and texted her about it half-way to my house. I did not tell her he picked me up and lied saying that an uber had driven me home. My mom started to spam call and text me, claiming I was going to make a big problem for her. I explicitly told her I would not be coming over just to be a free babysitter because it wasn’t fair to me or my time.

Not even minutes after I got to my house, my mom and a cop were at my door trying to guilt me into going back and staying with her the rest of the week. I refused to leave my doorstep and quietly listened to their rant. Then outwardly saying no after they finished and closing the door on her.

My mom texted me, “I love you unconditionally but when you are ready we can make amends” the next day. I told her not to come over anymore and we haven’t spoken since. My aunt has since taken over my moms weekends and I sleep over at my cousin’s instead. AITA?