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The original was posted on /r/velo by /u/nickobec on 2023-09-27 05:23:42.

Started weight training a two years back out of choice to improve my riding/racing and necessity I have osteopenia.

Managed to overtrain badly twice, first time didn’t realise the cause, the second time I did, but too late.

Just coming back from second overtraining + injury + illness and don’t want it to happen again.

Problem is Training Peaks and Intervals.ICU give me more training stress for the 5 minute ride to and from the gym, than a weight session.

It takes my body longer to recover from moderate legs day ie 3 RIR for 5x5 squats or RDL (alternate) 3x12 single legged leg presses 3x12 leg curls or extensions (depending on primary exercise squat = curl, RDL = extensions) 3 sets of calve raises, than it does from a 40:20 day 3 sets of 10 at upper end of VO2max.

Generally only do 2 hard days a week, interval training + legs, usually followed by a rest or very light endurance ride day. 2 days a week of endurance + upper body days and 2 rest days a week.

So looking for advice on how to manage my fatigue? I have started tracking the RPE of weights sessions, and assigning load equal to that of equivalent bike training session, but is there a better way?