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The original was posted on /r/cycling by /u/comicsgamesmovies on 2023-09-27 08:18:12.

Don’t get me wrong, I know that ideally no one should ever leave their bike locked outside, but living arrangements and physical space demands it.

There is a car on the driveway, which died and it not moving anywhere.

Now, I am using a diamond rated Hiplok D-lock and a diamond rated chain (which is what I’ll use when locking it up in the city center through the day).

I am well aware that any chain and lock can be cut through if a thief has the right tools and time and will, so let’s not get into that (I have been through it a million times).

I was thinking of using the chain through the rear tyre of the car.

I am just curious what you think of this as an anchor point?


Secondary question. What about rain? I live in the north of England where it can rain a lot.

If I keep it covered under a rain cover, can it stay out all throughout the year?


Totally separate question. I just got a Trek Marlin 7 and HATE the seat. To be honest, I am not sure I am going to like any regular seat.

However, I did come across a very novel type of seat called the Vseat. It is almost completely flat? Has anyone used it? Think I am going to have to buy it.

I am curious if it will also work with a suspension seat post?