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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/Lilybell3 on 2023-09-27 03:53:08.


My husband 39m and I 40f have been married for five years. We were together for twelve years before that.

I am diagnosed with bipolar disorder amongst other things. I take medication for it. I have since long before I met him.

He is a clean freak and won’t let me leave my one bottle of pills on the bathroom counter beside my toothbrush because “it looks cluttered”. He stashes them in the hall closet every time he sees them.

Because I am absent minded from time to time if they are not right in front of me as part of my morning brushing my teeth routine, I sometimes forget to take them. This is not good for either of us.

He has weaponized this as ammunition every time I disagree with him. “Did you forget to take your pills?”. Maybe! Because you keep hiding them and disrupting my routine!

This is not always the case. Sometimes he throws this at me and I know damn well I haven’t missed my meds but he says it anyway.

I told him if he just let me keep my freaking meds beside my toothbrush I would remember to take them when I brush my teeth in the morning. Not that hard.

His excuse tonight was that if they are in plain sight like that someone could mess with them. I’m sorry? Who is going to mess with them? We live in our house alone. No kids. Not often company, usually family if ever. Who would mess with my meds?! And how?!

He has stormed off and I am sitting on the patio wondering wtf! AITA?